American Geniuses

All material on this blog, including but not limited to the screenplay American Geniuses, is ©2005 Blog Snybod (and by proxy, its owner). Unauthorized reproduction is encouraged as long as this copyright notice is reproduced in its entirety. None of the content here may be used in any for-profit setting without the express permission of the author. Furthermore, I reserve the full exploitation rights to all material on these pages, including but not limited to suggestions from readers that I implement, in perpetuity. In other words, if for some reason this gets picked up for production by an insane executive with no taste, I am not required to track down the anonymous poster–the one who gave me the key to writing the third act, for instance–for the purposes of offering compensation, acquiring rights to the idea after the fact, or any other purpose that could impede the saleability of the script or bring my full rights to it into question.

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